Jellyfish Lighting
The following post contains affiliate links and is sponsored by Jellyfish Lighting. Read my full disclosure here.
Let me tell you about one of the biggest regrets I have about building this house. First of all, you usually have a budget. Unless that is, you happen to be made of money and have endless resources to do what you want. In most cases, you have a budget. There are only so many upgrades you can choose from within that budget. Even then, a lot of people go over budget. So, I tried to maximize my budget by choosing the biggest bang for my buck. It is hard people! Narrowing down what is functional as well as aesthetically pleasing. So many decisions to think about. Then there is the whole argument of what you can DIY after the home is built. There are upgrades that must be done before the house is finished and upgrades you can add later. After all these decisions on upgrades, I realized I hadn’t done EVE LIGHTS! I even tried to go back to our builder and add them. However, it was too late. They would not let me add the exterior eve lights. I was beyond sad about this. I went to several electricians to get a cost to add eve lights when our home was complete. Almost all of them said it was nearly impossible to add them after completion, not to mention, very costly. I had given up on the idea of having any pretty exterior accent lighting. Our house would have garage lights and that is about all.
Months after living in our home, we attended the local Home and Garden Show. I came across a company called JellyFish Lighting. I was instantly drawn to their display. As I gathered more information, I realized this was my solution. This permanent led exterior lighting system was exactly what I needed! The more I learned about JellyFish the more I loved! Not only would this solve my exterior accent lighting problem, it could be used year round. I asked a LOT of questions about how this worked. The team at JellyFish was very knowledgeable and helpful with all of my questions. After we got home that night, I had “the talk” with Mr. Whitelane. You know all about “the talk” I am referring to. The one you have when you really want something but you have to get the husband on board. Here is the cool part about this talk…. Mr. Whitelane was already on board! Let me tell you why. Christmas/Holiday Lights!
I know you are wondering why he would be excited about permanent Christmas/ Holiday lighting. Heck, I am excited about that feature too! Every year you probably pay someone a few hundred dollars to come out and put up lights on your house. Then you wait for their busy schedule to fit you in and come back to take them down after Christmas. No? Ok, then you probably have a handy hubby (who hopefully has good life insurance) to climb up on the roof and put those lights up. Guess what? The end of January or February( hopefully sooner) rolls around and those lights need to come down. It is only below freezing outside. So, the hubby has to climb back up in the freezing weather to take the lights down. Or maybe you have given up altogether and have become THAT HOUSE. You know the one that leaves the big ugly Christmas lights up all year. YIKES! Nobody wants to see that all year. Mr. Whitelane was beyond excited about having these discrete permanent lights, that would not only be my all year eve/accent lights, but also permanent Christmas lights. No going out in the freezing weather to put up or take down lights and no more paying anyone every year! I must say, Mr. Whitelane was also kind of excited about representing his favorite team during football/ basketball season. That is right, these lights can be changed to any color for any event. All holidays or parties can have their own color of lighting for the occasion. Pretty cool right? I mean, just take a look at this video and you will see how amazing these lights really are.
This lighting system is a total package all year long! I haven’t even got to the best part. The lighting system is controlled from a tablet (that comes with the system) or app on your phone! SAY WHAT? I can be laying in bed and pull out my phone to shut off the exterior lights. I don’t have to get up or go downstairs to flip a switch. Can your eve lights or Christmas lights do that? I don’t think so! I am getting just a little excited because I have loved using these lights on our home. The installation only took a day and the installer was fabulous! You can check out this video to see more about the installation of this lighting system.
The possibilities are really endless on what these lights can do. Mr. Whitelane and I have loved working with Jellyfish Lighting. The pricing fit into our budget and the lighting has exceeded our needs and expectations. Just in case you haven’t realized how awesome these lights are, check out this last video. So, back to that regret, I had while building this house. I am actually kind of glad I didn’t get the eve lights with the builder now. This Jellyfish permeant accent lighting is WAY better than a few eve lights. It is a lot more bang for the buck when you consider all that these lights can do (everyday accent, Christmas, holiday, parties, and really any event). I love driving up to my house every night. The system is invisible during the day (lights are on an aluminum track made to blend with any exterior). However, at night I can turn on any lighting arrangement I can think of (all from my phone app or tablet). I can also set them to come on and shut off automatically each day at a certain time. Look at some of the amazing homes they have done below and head on over to see more at



